Right !!- The food vacuole undergoes fusion with lysosomes shortly after it is formed. This explains the existence of  the proton pumps 5 min after feeding but NOT 30 sec after feeding (apparently, at this point the fusion process has not yet occurred). As migration continues, parts of the lysosome- membrane (containing the proton pumps) are recycled by the cell and are pinched off the vacuole, thus allowing the pH to increase. This is evident by the observed absence of the proton pumps 10 min after feeding.
We have previously noticed that the size of an early (30- sec) food vacuole is smaller than the size of the later (5 min) food vacuole and of the same size as the latest food vacuole (10 min). These findings support the fusion theory (hypothesis C), but they do not prove it beyond any doubt.
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