hebrew-univesity-home-pageThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences

Subject Related Material from previous years

Prof. Heller's supplements: Classification of ChordatesGeologic Time ScaleEarFeedback 2006.


Dan Tchernov supplements:

1. mass extinction in the fossil record : lesson1 mass extinction Carr 2008, lesson1 Gorjan 2008 mass extinction,

2. The environmental context of evolution : lesson1-4 text book chapters in: Evolutionary Biology 3rd Edition Douglas J Futuyama (1998) Sinauer Publishers,

3.The evolution of Vertebrates - from fish to dinosaurs


Additional reading about various subjects


Population Growth Rates and Age Versus Stage-Distribution Models

Growth rates in a wild primate population

Thermodynamics Constrains the Evolution of Insect

Origin of multicellularity

Insights into the origin of metazoan multicellularity

Origin of multicellularity

Phagotrophy by flagellate selects for colonial prey

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