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The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences
Lecture  Notes

2005 (72682)
2006-2007 (72681/2)
2008-2009 (72681)
2009-2010 (72681)

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20/10/09    Cloning and DNA manipulation techniques Dr. Tsafi Danieli
27/10/09 Introduction to Protein Expression and Expression Systems Dr. Tsafi Danieli
3/11/09 Bacterial Expression Systems Dr. Tsafi Danieli
10/11/09 Cell-free Production of Proteins
Dr. Tsafi Danieli
17/11/09 Insect-based Expression Systems
Dr. Tsafi Danieli
24/11/09  Mammalian Expression Systems
Dr. Tsafi Danieli
1/12/09 Protein Purification Strategies I
Dr. Mario Lebendiker
8/12/09 Ion Exchange Chromatography
Gel Filtration Chromatography
Dr. Mario Lebendiker
15/12/09 Affinity Chromatography
Dr. Mario Lebendiker
22/12/09 Hydrophobic Exchange Chromatography
Other Purification Techniques 
Refolding and Aggregation problems
Dr. Mario Lebendiker
29/12/09 Protein Purification Strategies II  - Purification Examples
Dr. Mario Lebendiker
5/01/10 Purification of Membrane Proteins
Sample Preparation for X-Ray and NMR studies
Dr. Mario Lebendiker

PLEASE NOTE: Due to copy rights limitations, lecture notes may only be viewed by providing your username 
(8 Digits ID) and passward (4 digits) or by using an OTP card, if you have one. (For OTP information click here)
4/11/08    Cloning and DNA manipulation techniques Dr. Tsafi Danieli
11/11/08 Introduction to Protein Expression and Expression Systems Dr. Tsafi Danieli
18/11/08 Bacterial Expression Systems Dr. Tsafi Danieli
25/11/08 Cell-free Production of Proteins
Dr. Tsafi Danieli
2/12/08 Insect-based Expression Systems
Dr. Tsafi Danieli
9/12/08  Mammalian Expression Systems
Dr. Tsafi Danieli
16/12/08 Protein Purification Strategies I
Dr. Mario Lebendiker
23/12/08 Ion Exchange Chromatography
Gel Filtration Chromatography
Dr. Mario Lebendiker
30/12/08 Affinity Chromatography
Dr. Mario Lebendiker
6/01/09 Hydrophobic Exchange Chromatography
Other Purification Techniques 
Refolding and Aggregation problems
Dr. Mario Lebendiker
13/01/09 Protein Purification Strategies II  - Purification Examples
Dr. Mario Lebendiker
20/01/09 Purification of Membrane Proteins
Sample Preparation for X-Ray and NMR studies
Dr. Mario Lebendiker

PLEASE NOTE: Due to copy rights limitations, lecture notes may only be viewed by providing your username 
(8 Digits ID) and passward (4 digits) or by using an OTP card, if you have one. (For OTP information click here)
23/10/06 Introduction to Protein Expression and Expression Systems Dr. Tsafi Danieli
30/10/06  Bacterial Expression Systems Dr. Tsafi Danieli
06/11/06 Insect-based Expression Systems Dr. Tsafi Danieli
13/11/06 Mammalian Expression Systems Dr. Tsafi Danieli
20/11/06  In-Vitro Production of Proteins Dr. Tsafi Danieli
27/11/06 Protein Purification Strategies I Dr. Mario Lebendiker
04/12/06 Ion Exchange Chromatography
Gel Filtration Chromatography
Dr. Mario Lebendiker
11/12/06 Affinity Chromatography Dr. Mario Lebendiker
18/12/06 Hydrophobic Exchange Chromatography
Other Purification Techniques 
Dr. Mario Lebendiker
25/12/06 Protein Purification Strategies II  - Purification Examples
Sample Preparation for X-Ray and NMR studies
Dr. Mario Lebendiker
01/01/07 Membrane Proteins Dr. Mario Lebendiker
08/01/07 Using bioinformatics tools - background
Using bioinformatics tools - case study
Dr. Nurit Doron
15/01/07   In-Vitro Production of Proteins Dr. Tsafi Danieli
22/01/07 Expression in Plant Cells Dr. Yossi Shaaltiel

Protein Purification Exam

Your comments are most welcome.

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PLEASE NOTE: Due to copy rights limitations, lecture notes may only be viewed by providing your username 
(8 Digits ID) and passward (4 digits) or by using an OTP card, if you have one. (For OTP information click here
19/06/05  Introduction to Protein Expression   Dr. Tsafi Danieli
19/06/05  Introduction to Expression Systems  Dr. Tsafi Danieli 
20/06/05   Protein Purification Strategies I  Dr. Mario Lebendiker
20/06/05  Gel Filtration  Dr. Mario Lebendiker
21/06/05  The Bacterial Expression Systems  Dr. Tsafi Danieli
21/06/05  The Bacterial Expression Systems   Dr. Tsafi Danieli
 22/06/05  Ion Exchange Chromatography  Dr. Mario Lebendiker
22/06/05  Hydrophobic Exchange  Dr. Mario Lebendiker
23/06/05  Refolding  Dr. Mario Lebendiker
23/06/05  Construction and Work of Industrial Fermenters   Prof.. Sergei Brawn
26/06/05  Affinity Chromatography  Dr. Mario Lebendiker
26/06/05  Affinity Chromatography  Dr. Mario Lebendiker
 27/06/05  Insect-based Expression Systems  Dr. Tsafi Danieli
27/06/05   Insect-based Expression Systems  Dr. Tsafi Danieli
28/06/05  Other Purification Techniques  Dr. Mario Lebendiker
28/06/05  Protein Purification Strategies II  - Purification Examples  Dr. Mario Lebendiker
29/06/05  Mammalian Expression Systems  Dr. Tsafi Danieli
29/06/05  In-Vitro Production of Proteins  Dr. Tsafi Danieli
 30/06/05  Sample Preparation for X-Ray and NMR studies  Dr. Mario Lebendiker
30/06/05  Luminescent and Fluorescence Protein Detection Methods  Dr. Keith V. Wood - (Promega Corporation)

Your comments are most welcome.

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Copyright ©, 2000, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. All Rights Reserved.