ProtComp Version 3. Identifying sub-cellular location (Plants)

Seq name: Test sequence 630
Significant similarity in Location DB -  Location:Chloroplast 
Database sequence: AC=Q08303 Location:Chloroplast  DE  Polyphenol oxidase A, chloroplast precursor (EC
Score=33980, Sequence length=630, Alignment length=630
Predicted by Neural Nets - Extracellular (Secreted) with score    2.1
******** Chloroplast Transit peptide 1-81 is found
Integral Prediction of protein location: Chloroplast with score    9.3
Location weights:     LocDB / PotLocDB / Neural Nets / Integral
 Nuclear                0.0 /      0.0 /        0.73 /     0.73
 Plasma membrane        0.0 /      0.0 /        0.66 /     0.66
 Extracellular          0.0 /      0.0 /        2.08 /     2.08
 Cytoplasmic            0.0 /      0.0 /        0.71 /     0.71
 Mitochondrial          0.0 /      0.0 /        0.70 /     0.70
 Chloroplast        33980.0 /      0.0 /        1.78 /     9.33
 Endoplasm. retic.      0.0 /      0.0 /        0.71 /     0.71
 Peroxisomal            0.0 /      0.0 /        0.41 /     0.41


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