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The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences


Protein Expression

Written by: Tsafi Danieli, Shmulik Ittah, Meirav Mato-Yelin, Erez Podoly, Nurit Kleinberger-Doron
Illustrations and Animations:  No'omi Melamed-Book , Shmulik Ittah, Hagit Yerushalmi, Nurit Kleinberger-Doron

1. BeHappy Receptor Overexpression.
2. Induced Stable Expression in MDCK Cells.
3. A Baculovirus Expression System.
4. Gateway cloning technology.
5. Approach a New Expression/Purification Project .
6. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, How can I express the Best Protein of All?

Protein Purification

1. Purifying the enzyme Macho-ase .

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