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| This site includes
a plethora of information about purification strategies, Purification
of Recombinant Proteins, Cleavage of Recombinant Proteins, Chromatography,
Protein Aggregation and Refolding,
Concentration, Desalting columns, Dialysis, Ultrafiltration, Inhibitors, DNA
removal, Endotoxin removal, Detergents,
Bacterial Expression Systems, Eukaryotes Expression Systems, Choice of Buffers,
Gel Electrophoresis, Proteomics Sample
Preparation, Gel Stain, Protein Quantitation, etc.
Protein Purification Strategies
AMERSHAM-BIOSCIENCES The Recombinant Protein Handbook
(pdf) (pdf-II)
AMERSHAM-BIOSCIENCES Handbook Protein Purification (pdf)
Challenging Proteins: Membrane proteins, Multiprotein complexes and Inclusion
bodies (pdf)
Sample Preparation Handbook (pdf)
Calbiochem Inhibitor SourceBook (pdf)
Ultrafiltration:Centrifuge Filter Devices (pdf-I)(pdf-II)
Preparation of Protein sample for SDS-PAGE Procedures and Tips -
Article (pdf)
Useful pH Ranges of Selected Biological Buffers (pdf)
Ultrafiltration Products Catalogue (pdf)
Jonasson P.,
Genetic Design for Facilitated Production and Recovery of Recombinant
Proteins in E.Coli.
Biotechnol.Appl.Biochem 2002, 35: 91-105(pdf)
Nilsson J.,
Affinity Fusion Strategies for Detection, Purification and Immobilization
of Recombinant Proteins.
Protein Expr. and Purif. 1997, 11: 1-16 (pdf)
Swartz J.
Advances in E.Coli Production of Therapeutic Proteins.
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2001, 12: 195-210 (pdf)
Sorensen H.,
Advanced genetic strategies for recombinant protein expression in Escherichia
Journal of Biotechnology 115 (2005) 113–128 (pdf)
Ion Exchange Chromatography
AMERSHAM-BIOSCIENCES Ion Exchange Cromatography and
Chromatofusing Handbook (pdf)
Gel Filtration Chromatography
AMERSHAM-BIOSCIENCES Gel Filtration Handbook (pdf)
Affinity Chromatography
AMERSHAM-BIOSCIENCES Affinity Manual (pdf)
AMERSHAM-BIOSCIENCES Antibody Purification Manual
AMERSHAM-BIOSCIENCES GST fusion protein Handbook (pdf)
BD TalonTM Metal Affinity Resins User Manual (pdf)
pMAL protein Fusion and Purification System (pdf-I)
Preactivated Resins (pdf)
pET purification manual (pdf)
Batch and Spin Cup Methods for Affinity Purificatio of Proteins (pdf)
Coupling different Functional Groups (pdf)
Ni-NTA purification manual (pdf)
Two-Step Affinity Purification System Handbook - For expressing,
purifying, and detecting proteins
carrying a 6xHis and Strep-tag II (pdf)
CBP Calmodulin-Binding Peptide Affinity Tag System (pdf)
Nilsson J.,
Affinity Fusion Strategies for Detection, Purification and Immobilization
of Recombinant Proteins.
Protein Expr. and Purif. (1997), 11: 1-16 (pdf)
Arnau J.,
Current strategies for the use of affinity tags and tag removal for the purification
of recombinant proteins
Protein Expression and Purification 48 (2006) 1–13 (pdf)
Banki M.,
Simple bioseparations using self-cleacing elastin-like polypeptide tags
Nature Methods 2, 659, (2005) (pdf)
Dyson M.,
Production of soluble mammalian proteins in Escherichia coli: identification
of protein features that correlate with
successful expression BMC Biotechnology (2004), 4:32(pdf)
Lichty J.,
Comparison of affinity tags for protein purification
Protein Expression and Purification 41 (2005) 98–105 (pdf)
Nallamsetty S.,
Solubility-enhancing proteins MBP and NusA play a passive role in the folding
of their fusion partners
Protein Expression and Purification 45 (2006) 175–182 (pdf)
Terpe K.,
Overview of tag protein fusions: from molecular and biochemical fundamentals
to commercial systems
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2003) 60:523–533 (pdf)
Hydrophobic Exchange Chromatography
AMERSHAM-BIOSCIENCES Hydrophobic Interaction and Reversed
Phase Chromatography Principles and Methods (pdf)
AMERSHAM-BIOSCIENCES Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography
Manual (pdf)
Other Purification Techniques
AMERSHAM-BIOSCIENCES Chromatofusing Handbook (pdf)
AMERSHAM-BIOSCIENCES Reverse Phase Chromatography Manual
AMERSHAM-BIOSCIENCES Ion Exchange Cromatography and
Chromatofusing Handbook (pdf)
The Handbook of Analysis and Purification of Peptides and Proteins by
Reverse-Phase HPLC (pdf)
Refolding and Aggregation problems
Challenging Proteins: Membrane proteins, Multiprotein complexes and Inclusion
bodies (pdf)
Altamirano M., Refolding
Chromatography with Immobilized Mini-Chaperones.
PNAS 1997, 94: 3576-3578 (pdf)
Armstrong N., A New
Protein Folding Screen...etc.
Protein Science 1999, 8: 1475-1483 (pdf)
Chen G.,
Overexpression of a Glutamate Receptor (GluR2) ligand binding domain in E.Coli:
Application of a novel protein
folding screen.
Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 94, pp. 13431–13436, 1997 (pdf)
Eiler S.,
Overexpression, Purification, and Crystal Structure of Native ER alpha LBD.
Protein Expression and Purification (2001) 22, 165–173 (pdf)
Lee S.,
Effects of solutes on solubilization and refolding of proteins from inclusion
bodies with high hydrostatic pressure
Protein Science (2006), 15: 1-11 (pdf)
Lin L.,
High-throughput identification of refolding conditions for LXRbeta without
a functional assay
Protein Expression and Purification (2006) (pdf)
Machida S.,
Cycloamylose as an efficient artificial chaperone for protein refolding.
FEBS Letters 486 (2000) 131-135 (pdf)
Middelberg A., Preparative Protein
TRENDS in Biotechnology 2002, 20 (10): 437-443 (pdf)
Ming Li et al., In vitro
protein refolding by chromatographic procedures.
Protein Expr. and Purif. 2004,33: 1-10 (pdf)
Shrodel A.,
Fusion tags and chaperone co-expression modulate both the solubility and the
inclusion body features of the recombinant
CLIPB14 serine protease. Journal
of Biotechnology 120 (2005) 2–10 (pdf)
Tsumoto K.,
Practical Considerations in Refolding Proteins from Inclusion Bodies.
Protein Expr. and Purif. 2003,28: 1-8 (pdf)
Willis M.,
Investigation of protein refolding using a fractional factorial screen: A
study of reagent effects and interactions
Protein Sci. 2005, 14: 1818-1826 (pdf)
Sample Preparation for X-Ray and NMR studies
Stevens R.,
Design of Hgh-Throughput Methods of Protein Production for Structural Biology.
Structure 2000, 8: R177-R185 (pdf)
Derewenda Z., The use of recombinant methods and molecular
engineering in protein crystallization.
Methods (2004), 34: 354–363 (pdf)
Smyth D.,
REVIEW Crystal structures of fusion proteins with large-affinity tags.
Protein Science (2003), 12:1313–1322 (pdf)
Eiler S.,
Overexpression, Purification, and Crystal Structure of Native ER alpha LBD
Protein Expression and Purification (2001) 22, 165–173(pdf)
Oganesyan N. Effect of osmotic
stress and heat shock in recombinant protein overexpression and crystallization.
Protein Expression and Purification 52 (2007) 280–285
Goldschmidt L. Toward rational protein
crystallization: A Web server for the design of crystallizable protein variants.
Protein Science (2007), 16:1569-1576 (pdf)
Geerlof A. The impact of protein characterization in structural
Cryst.(2006) D62: 1125-1136 (pdf)
Membrane Proteins
Challenging Proteins: Membrane proteins, Multiprotein complexes and Inclusion
bodies (pdf)
Biological Detergents. Guide for solubilization of membrane
proteins and selecting tools for detergent
removal (pdf)
A guide to the properties and uses of detergents in Biology and
Biochemistry (pdf)
Da-Neng Wang et al.
Practical aspects of overexpressing bacterial secondary membrane transporters
for structural studies
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1610 (2003) 23– 36 (pdf)
Said Eshaghi et al.
An efficient strategy for high-throughput expression screening of recombinant
integral membrane proteins
Protein Science, 14 (2005) 1-8 (pdf)